Saving Lives by Busting Myths about DVT/PE

The final episode of MythBusters aired this year, and many people will miss the lighthearted and entertaining TV show that made science fun.

Today, I’d like to do some myth busting that can save lives.

Let’s talk about deep vein thrombosis (DVT) and pulmonary embolism (PE)—blood clots that form and then break off and travel to the lungs.

True or False?


1. As many as 900,000 people are affected by DVT/PE each year. It kills more people than all vehicle accidents, breast cancer, AIDS, and drowning combined.


People die from DVT/PE every day, and yet, there’s almost no public awareness when it comes to it. Even if you haven’t heard of DVT/PE, it can still take your life or that of someone you love.

2. DVT/PE only happens to elderly and sick people


While risk is greater for that group, DVT/PE can take the life of young, fit people too. If you’re lucky enough to survive DVT/PE, the damage it causes can leave you with life-long pain.

Endurance athletes, competitive athletes, anyone who travels long distances, taxi drivers, truckers, pilots, kids who play online or console games for hours at a time, those who work in the heat, and anyone who has surgery or experiences trauma is at risk.

3. Using the “inflation boots” in the hospital is good enough


If you have surgery, active cancer, survived trauma, have a chronic illness, or are well enough to be released but can’t return to an active lifestyle, your risk doesn’t go away when you leave the hospital.

It is vital that you continue preventative measures like staying hydrated and keeping blood moving through your legs by walking or using a sequential compression device like the Medshoola™ Compression Pump.

4. Women are at greater risk than men


Women have an increased risk during pregnancy or while taking birth control pills, but overall, men develop DVT/PE more often.

5. You can’t afford a sequential compression device.


If you have a higher than average risk for DVT/PE, the investment will far outweigh the cost. The treatment of DVT/PE is EXPENSIVE. Costs can go into the $50,000 range.

Beyond financial loss, treatment is risky because of bleeding and other side effects. Your quality of life will likely decrease considerably if you develop DVT/PE.

Most patients also deal with a significant amount of anxiety that it’ll happen again. And there is often life-long pain following PE.

6. The best treatment for DVT/PE is prevention


Preventing DVT/PE will save you money, offer peace of mind, maintain your quality of life, and lower your chances of an early death.

Best of all, prevention is easy.

For more information and to get your free article, “How to see if YOU are at Risk,” visit:  Prevent DVT Now